Você migraria para o Canadá?
2007-02-26 18:15:39 UTC
Como vários outros brasileiros(as) com nível superior, mas insatisfeito(a) com a carreira - ou a falta dela -, você deixaria tudo prá trás para recomeçar uma vida no Canadá?

Você aceitaria sub-empregos lá, já que, provavelmente, seu diploma brasileiro não será válido?

Dá prá encarar após os 40 anos? Ou tem uma idade limite?

Dicas, sugestões?
Dez respostas:
2007-02-27 01:36:43 UTC
Canada brings in up to 300,000 immigrants a year. Each of them, if he wants to survive in Canada, must spend at least $10,000 dollars a year to keep afloat. In big cities such as Toronto the minimum reaches almost up to $20,000 thousand dollars a year. What does it mean for Canada? It means that the economy of Canada receives approximately an amount of between three and six billion dollars each year. Immigrants have to spend this money for the rental of apartments (very expensive), food, clothes, transportation etc.

According to HDRC figures in Toronto/GTA alone almost 20,000 engineers from the entire world are looking for a job in their occupations. They cannot find a job! They receive only an ILLUSION and they have to pay a lot for it.

The role of Human Development Resource Centres - HDRC for employed people

-creating different kind of courses where immigrants are trained and where theirs brains are washed


-resume writing (the content, fonts, get-up of resume etc.); how to send resume by email, fax, mail or set on a web site

-what kind of adjectives to use to make a good impression on readers

-how to make a good impression during an interview, what is allowed and what is not during an interview (how to be a good actor)

-how to network in order to find a job (usually this means meeting others who are unemployed as well.)

-how to fight down stress, keep up your optimism to continue looking for a job (the objective of the policy is to stop immigrants in Canada as long as possible and to receive from them thousands of dollars for Canadian economy)

Brains washing:

-inviting to take courses to improve professional skills (big business); however after a course you cannot receive a job because employers usually ask about 3-5 years Canadian experience in the occupation and required environment;

-talking only about chosen elements of the entire job market (it means that HDRC staff is hired by Canadian government to hide uncomfortable information about the job market and to achieve objectives of the immigration policy; it is not the staff fault - if they do not do it they will be laid off)

-creating an illusion trust in immigrants that if they speak fluent English they will receive a job or if they have a good resume they will receive a job, or if they send resume by email, fax or deliver personally they will receive a job, or if they finish any courses and get a certificate (they spend a lot of time and money) they will receive a job, or if they co-operate with an agent or an agency they will receive a job, or if they co-operate with many agencies and send a resume to many (i.e.1,000) companies they will receive a job or ...,

-there are organized meetings with motivational speakers; during those meetings listeners are faced with intensive washing their brains; there is prohibited discussion about problems and ideas which are stuck into listeners' brains as the truth does not undergo discussion; any attempts to discuss those "truths" are smothered; people who complain that speaker says untruths are loudly admonished about a conceit, in the way slaves are trained who become insensible, giving in, passive, avoiding a truth if it is nasty or make them any discomfort; in the way are created a kind of behaviours for people who are totally reluctant any changes and accepting the evil which encircles them.

-propagating idea of globalism a new totalitarian system, world without God, without nations, without variety of cultures, traditions, human behaviour, where the money will be the most important value and a man will be as a tool for gaining a money so other words money will a god and a man will be a trash.
2007-02-27 04:33:04 UTC
nem bêbado eu entro numa fria dessa, lá além de frio o povo é sem sal e sem açúcar, sai dessa.
2007-02-27 02:27:28 UTC
Meu. eu já iria ta la! o Canadá e melhor do que os EUA/USA, enquanto a economia esta caindo nos EUA, la esta crescendo!

sim, eu iria ir MESMO para la!! logico que vc encara depois dos 40 anos, eu iria ter um orgulho disso (40)!

vai! ai no Brasil esta ruim d+, nao perde a chance!
2007-02-27 02:27:16 UTC
eu iria,poderia até trabalhar em sub empregos,mas me qualificaria em uma pós lá e depois partiria por achar um emprego melhor.O canadá é um país lindo,tudo certinho,mas tem o frio que lá é bastante rigoroso e mais longo,quase não tem sol.Mas vale a pena,ficar infeliz depois de ter estudado tanto,é melhor dar uma saída mesmo.Você tem de falar inlês ou francês pois lá se fala os dois.Boa viagem!
2007-02-27 02:25:04 UTC
Para isso tem de falar ingles fluente, é esse meu problema, eu detesto o ingles, embora tenha estudado ,mas não seguei a um nivel avançado, mas eu iria já que na minha area (enfermeira)meu diploma seria reconhecido, mas pra isso teria de abdicar de algumas conquistas aqui no Brasil ,mas se voce tem essa oportunida porque não?afinal se no maximo se não der certo pelo menos voce tentou.quanto a subemprego é relativo, porque se voce for para lá e se empenhar pode surgir muitas oportunidades e voce pode estudar lá no futuro,dizem que o Canada é muito bom para viver.Boa sorte...
2007-02-27 02:24:16 UTC
Acho melhor conhecer muito bem primeiro. Se você fosse pro Canadá, precisaria falar muito bem o inglês e o francês, e...aí você poderia...tentar convencer um cidadão canadense que você tem de fato um diploma, mas ele não vale na América do Norte.
2007-02-27 02:22:59 UTC
pra quem pode,vale a pena arriscar.
2007-02-27 02:19:25 UTC
legalmente sim,mas iria p/ estudar principlamente,ñ kero ir p/ trabalhar um tempo e voltar,e sim me qualifik.
Ellen T
2007-02-27 02:23:48 UTC
se eu tivesse oportunidade, migraria p qualquer pais menos o brasil
2007-02-27 02:18:56 UTC

Este conteúdo foi postado originalmente no Y! Answers, um site de perguntas e respostas que foi encerrado em 2021.